Rodney Carrington
Here Comes the Truth TOUR
Rodney Carrington
Here Comes the Truth TOUR
Rodney Carrington is a multi-talented comedian, actor, and writer who has recorded eight major record label comedy albums, which have sold millions of copies. Rodney just released two new albums on his own Laughter's Good Records: the re-mastered C'Mon Sing You Bastards with 3 new songs that have never been released, and brand new album and DVD: Laughter's Good.
Recently, Rodney had two comedy specials air on CMT (the previously released Live At The Majestic and the brand new Laughter's Good). Rodney also recorded the intro song and video for Colin's Football Show on ESPN that airs every Sundayduring the 2014 NFL season.
“Here Comes The Truth” arrives in East Lansing, MI on Thursday, January 29th as part of a 35 city tour. Join us as one of the top ten highest grossing touring comedians for the last ten years performs live at the MSU Auditorium. Rodney's popularity derives, in large part, from his connection with his audience, both at his live shows, and through social media. And so far in 2014, he shows no signs of slowing down